About Mark Vaughan, NRA Board of Director
A mission to protect and serve
Mark’s love of firearms, shooting and the outdoors began as a child growing up in Oklahoma. Over the years as his skill developed, so did his passion for firearms and the rich history and freedom they represent. The progression began with shooting and later evolved into action. His work and story impacted not only his local community but the nation and world.
30 Year Business Executive
Mark’s 30-year career in the food industry began with his ownership and operation of Vaughan Foods based in Moore, Oklahoma. Under his leadership, the firm grew to a multi-million dollar operation with customers in 40 states and in Canada, employed over 500, and was publicly traded. Mark sold the business and remained COO for the next 5 years. In 2015 Mark was appointed by the Oklahoma State Legislature to an advisory position for the Robert M. Kerr Food and Agricultural Products Center, based at Oklahoma State University. Currently Mark works in the produce, food, and logistics industries.
Building Community around Shooting Sports
For 25 years, Mark has been actively involved in the Oklahoma City gun club with a membership of over 2,000. Serving at various times as president, vice president and trustee, he oversaw the expansion resulting in various groups developing such as Women on Target, and Cowboy action shooting competitions. He also contributed to the growth of community and awareness of the shooting sport in Oklahoma.
NRA Firearms Instructor, Hunter Education Instructor
One of Mark’s greatest desires is to pass on the skill and love of shooting to others. For the past 20 years, he has been a firearms instructor with law enforcement, Women on Target, Boy Scouts of America, and as a NRA instructor. He believes that our second amendment rights carries with them the responsibility of proficiency with firearms.
Serving the Community through Law Enforcement
In 2010, Mark became a reserve deputy Sheriff for Oklahoma County and currently serves on the tactical team, and is involved in firearms instruction. In 2019, he became a NRA certified Law Enforcement instructor in addition to serving on NRA’s Law Enforcement Assistance Committee.
2014 NRA Officer of the Year
Because of his extensive training and experience as a law enforcement officer, when an extreme situation came up at work, Mark was able to respond and stop the violent attack at a food facility in Oklahoma. Because of his heroism, he received multiple awards of valor and was made NRA’s 2014 Law Enforcement Officer of the Year.
NRA Involvement
Actively serving as Vice Chair of NRA’s Education & Training Committee, on NRA Clubs & Association Committee, and NRA’s Law Enforcement Assistance Committee. Mark is passionate about defending our second amendment rights.
Currently in his second term as a NRA director, Mark has been nominated for re-election. This continues his lifelong passion and support of firearms and community at a national level.
Shared During President Trump’s Keynote at the 2019 Annual Convention
Mark shared his story of stopping an extremist attack during President Trump’s keynote speech at the 2019 NRA Annual meetings in Indy, also encouraging the NRA membership and all that love and support the second amendment to stand together as one.
Elected President of the Oklahoma Rifle Association
In 2022, Mark was elected President of the Oklahoma Rifle Association and has been working with the executive committee to revive Oklahoma’s NRA State Affiliate. Oklahoma has long been a safe harbor for the shooting sports and gun ownership. However to protect the freedoms our state enjoys, Mark realizes the work needs to be done now to build up the state’s firearm clubs and communities and working with the NRA to provide legislate action and support for Oklahoma’s gun owners.

-NRA Life Benefactor Member
-President of the Oklahoma Rifle Association
-Three Term NRA Board of Director
-Nominated by NRA for 2023 Board Election
-Vice Chair of NRA’s Education & Training Committee
-Member Clubs & Association NRA Committee
-Member Law Enforcement Assistance Committee
-Oklahoma County Reserve Deputy Sheriff
-2014 NRA Law Enforcement Officer of the Year
-Award of Valor for Stopping an Extremist Attack
-20 Year NRA Firearms Instructor
-NRA Law Enforcement Instructor
-25 Year Trustee of the OKC Gun Club
-Experienced Businessman
-Hunter, Shooting Competitor, Enthusiast
Mark Vaughan, NRA board member, Endowment Life member, President of the Oklahoma Rifle Association, competitor, outdoorsman, and advocate for the second amendment has been nominated for re-election. Mark serves as Vice-Chairman of NRA’s Education and Training Committee, serves on the Law Enforcement Assistance and Clubs and Associations committees. With the Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Office since 2010, he was awarded NRA’s 2014 Law Enforcement Officer of the Year and other awards of valor for stopping an extremist attack at a food facility in Oklahoma. Mark advances the shooting community as instructor for NRA Law Enforcement, NRA Shotgun, and hunter education. He has served as president and 25-year trustee of the 2,500 member Oklahoma City Gun Club, overseeing its expansion, supporting Women on Target and youth shooting programs. An experienced businessman, Mark grew Vaughan Foods to a publicly traded enterprise until 2012, remaining active in the food and logistics industries.