Thank you for re-electing me
for NRA Board in 2023!

What brings me hope is that there is a force, the passion and commitment of the firearm community at the local and state levels. This comes from my perspective of serving and having served at the club level for nearly 30 years and as the newly elected president of my state’s NRA association.

With Jason Ouimet, Executive Director of NRA-ILA
President Trump’s Keynote, 2019 NRA Annual Meetings

President of the Oklahoma Rifle Association
This past year, Mark was elected President of the Oklahoma Rifle Association and has been working with the executive committee to revive Oklahoma’s NRA State Affiliate. Oklahoma has long been a safe harbor for the shooting sports and gun ownership. However to protect the freedoms our state enjoys, Mark realizes the work needs to be done now to build up the state’s firearm clubs and communities and working with the NRA to provide legislate action and support for Oklahoma’s gun owners.
Taking Action for Future Generations
Each of you make a difference in protecting our Second Amendment freedoms with your involvement and love of the shooting sports. But more than ever, we need more people stepping up to the firing line to ensure the generations to come continue to enjoy our firearm heritage. I have seen the difference that this makes serving at the local level with the Oklahoma City Gun Club, at the state level as the president of the Oklahoma Rifle Association, and then at a national level serving on the NRA board.
Get to Know Mark Vaughan
Find out more about Mark’s involvement in the local and national shooting communities, his background as a business executive, his passion to pass on his love and knowledge of the shooting sports, and his community involvement as a law enforcement officer.
Championing Women Leadership in the Shooting Sports
“I stepped in 20 years ago with the idea to start a Women’s Division so ladies with little to no experience could learn about shooting sports and firearms safety in a fun and supportive environment. At the same time, the NRA introduced the Women on Target program, and just like that, we hosted the first event and have hosted the largest Women on Target event in the nation ever since. Mark played a critical part in bringing the Women’s Division to our club and the first Women on Target event to Oklahoma City. Mark was my strongest supporter in this endeavor and made all opportunities and resources available to me in support of the first ever Women’s Division at the Oklahoma City Gun Club. For all but one of the 19 years, he has been there to help with the Women on Target event.”
-Suzi Rouse, President of the Oklahoma City Gun Club
Can I vote in the 2020 NRA Board Election?
5+ or Life!
Those who have been a member for 5 consecutive years (meaning no lapses in membership), or life members or greater can participate in the board of director elections each year.
Make Your Vote Count!
You don’t have to use up all of your votes! In fact, by only voting for those candidates you want on the board, you greatly increase the power of your choice and their chance of success.
Watch for the ballot insert in the February 2023 issue of your favorite NRA publication. You can also request a ballot from the NRA or confirm your voting status by calling: 1-800-672-3888 EXT. 1
Personal Freedom
Our founding fathers were very aware of the importance of defending one’s self from both personal attack and tyrannical abuse of power from a government. These basic freedoms, whether you’re speaking of the freedom of speech or religion, or the press, or of assembly, or the right to keep and bear arms, are not bought once and then forgotten. These foundational freedoms are precious and must continually be fought for and protected.
Vision for Shooting Sports
Like all great movements, this one rests with the people, regardless of race, gender, background, etc. My vision for shooting sports encompasses all groups – including non-traditional. I’ve seen first-hand the real opportunity to bring communities together and solidify them through shooting sports and hunting.
Fostering Community through Shooting Sports
One of my passions is helping folks with their shooting and have been an NRA instructor for 20 years. But more than that, I love working with youth and different groups with teaching and shooting sports. I also love to join in on the fun and have competed in many different disciplines. All this builds the community at the local level, and the heart of the NRA is the local community.
Support of the Law Enforcement Community
As a law enforcement officer myself, I understand well the sacrifice the men and women out there make each and every day in the daily work of protecting citizens. I’ve served on the NRA’s Law Enforcement Assistance Committee since 2016. Through the many NRA law enforcement training programs and competition, we help to keep our officers prepared.